General Introduction:
Saito Catalogue:
- 斎藤光純「河口慧海師将来東洋文庫所蔵写本チベット大蔵経調査備
忘」『大正大学研究紀要 仏教学部・文学部』第63輯(1977年9月)、406-345 頁 - Kojun Saito & Jonathan Silk “Catalogue of the Tōyō Bunko Manuscript Kanjur Introductory Study: A Catalogue of the Tōyō Bunko Manuscript Kanjur”
Phal chen (Avataṃsaka) section:
- Shin’ichirō Hori: Extant Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Buddhāvataṃsaka
- Shin’ichirō Hori: The Indic Equivalent of the Tibetan Title Saṅs rgyas phal po che źes bya ba śin tu rgyas pa chen po’i mdo and the Chinese Title Da fangguang fo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經
- PARK Hyunjin: On the Structure and Format of the Tibetan Buddhāvataṃsakasūtra
- References for Phal chen (Avataṃsaka) Section (mostly in Japanese)
dKon brtsegs (Ratnakūṭa) Section: